Monument ShadowMUD


[02-05 21:26][Chat]Icewolfz: and it helps the imates get training
[02-05 21:26][Chat]Doji: ok
[02-05 21:27][Chat]Doji: i made clothes
[02-05 21:27][Chat]Icewolfz: anwyays
[02-05 21:27][Chat]Doji: worked messhall
[02-05 21:27][Chat]Icewolfz: one should never get there cooks mad
[02-05 21:27][Chat]Icewolfz: less roaches and spits
[02-05 21:27][Chat]Doji agrees
[02-05 21:27][Chat]Icewolfz: ever seen the movie raod trip?
[02-05 21:27][Chat]Doji nods
[02-05 21:27][Chat]Icewolfz: teh ride side cafe scene and french toast
[02-05 21:28][Chat]Doji: 'let me warm that right up for ypu'
[02-05 21:28][Chat]Icewolfz: or the movie with cave and fonder the lotto one
[02-05 21:28][Chat]Icewolfz: wher they dump ash into cover
[02-05 21:28][Chat]Icewolfz: coffee
[02-05 21:28][Chat]Doji: dont know that one
[02-05 21:28][Chat]Icewolfz: cage movies cna be hut and miss
[02-05 21:28][Chat]Icewolfz: tryign to rmemebr hte movie now
[02-05 21:28][Chat]Doji nods
[02-05 21:28][Chat]Icewolfz: tis a rom com
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18:53, Darkday, Praxi 9, 213 AD.

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