[02-04 08:41] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Bayushi is now level 39. |
[02-04 09:05] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Bayushi is now level 40. |
[02-05 19:07] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Gambit is now level 6. |
[02-05 19:34] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Gambit is now level 7. |
[02-05 19:35] | [Rogue] | A card flies out and hits Gambit. |
[02-05 19:35] | [Rogue] | Gambit: Hey, I throw the cards around here! |
[02-05 19:36] | [Rogue] | Gambit: well the ogresmasher currently cards are just for looks |
[02-05 19:36] | [Rogue] | Icewolfz: -}-> i shold make an ew deck of cards that cna be thrown as weaepons <-{- |
[02-05 19:36] | [Rogue] | Gambit: Would love that! |
[02-05 19:36] | [Rogue] | Icewolfz: -}-> well ytou can shuffle the cards <-{- |
[02-05 19:36] | [Rogue] | Icewolfz: -}-> and deal and play gmes wit hthem <-{- |
[02-05 19:36] | [Rogue] | Icewolfz: -}-> and in theory you cuold throw the whole deck at something <-{- |
[02-05 19:39] | [Rogue] | Gambit: lol |
[02-05 20:18] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Gambit is now level 8. |
[02-05 20:23] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Gambit is now level 8. |
[02-05 20:23] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Gambit is now level 9. |
[02-05 20:23] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Gambit is now level 10. |
[02-05 20:37] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Gambit is now level 11. |
[02-05 20:37] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Gambit is now level 12. |
[02-05 20:37] | [Rogue] | NEWS: Gambit is now level 13. |
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