A new alpha version of web client update can be tried at this is a cleaner more modern version, it is reactive and will adjust to size and works on both desktop and mobile, remember to back up your old data using old client to be safe using client save or exporting as it uses the data as the current client - Icewolfz
For fun will try and run an invasion every weekend if enough players around until the end of the month - Icewolfz
Will try and throw classic Halloween invasion on the 26/27 unless something comes up - Icewolfz
Web client has been updated, it adds buttons, chat capture system and trigger events - Icewolfz
Mobile client has been updated adds trigger events and minor bug fixes - Icewolfz
A bug in the aggressive system was fixed, this caused monsters to be meaner and auto attack/harder to ride/lasso if a monster was easier before or is too hard bug them or report them for adjustments/fixes to reflect the bug fix - Icewolfz
Will try to run a holiday invasion on the weekend of 23/24 - Icewolfz
If enough players on the weekend of the 28/29th reruns of classic Halloween invasions will be ran - Icewolfz
Bank lockers have been updated, any issues report them - Icewolfz
Will try and run an invasion on the 29/30 for halloween around 6/7pm est - Icewolfz
July 2nd/3rd a capture the flag invasion will be held, team vs team or a free for all depending on how many are online - IcewolfzBack to news list
03:45, Vaigday, Praxi 10, 213 AD.