Monument ShadowMUD


[03-09 21:33][Chat]Icewolfz: and i have to also now clean out old car in case it gets sold
[03-09 21:33][Chat]Glaze: Another great crafting job by Leona!
[03-09 21:33][Chat]Icewolfz: bt overall i havnt coded much out side bug fixes and minor stuff
[03-09 21:34][Chat]Icewolfz: steal update was biggest change i think
[03-09 21:35][Chat]Icewolfz: if you want ot speed up time you can fill in all the creative side so i can just plug and play into code
[03-09 21:35][Chat]Icewolfz: eg room looks/npc stuff etc..
[03-09 21:36][Chat]Icewolfz: hmm i should recode the guild system to allow multiples
[03-09 21:36][Chat]Icewolfz: make things easier
[03-09 21:37][Chat]Icewolfz: and maybe throw in a type flag so cant join 2 of the same type
[03-09 21:38][Chat]Icewolfz: eg mechant vs adventgure guild
[03-09 21:38][Chat]Icewolfz: anywas overlal last 2 months have been kidna long between bathroom work, fence work, and cold waether
[03-09 21:39][Chat]Icewolfz: anwyas type up the info you remember and mud mail it ot me so i dotn forget about it again
[03-10 00:26][Chat]Icewolfz: night all
[03-10 00:26][Chat]Icewolfz: enjoy time travel
[03-10 00:26][Chat]The land of the lost claims Glaze!
[03-10 00:26][Chat]Icewolfz: i let some t-rex's lose in honor of time travel!
[03-10 00:27][Chat]Icewolfz: mostly just a unique kill
[03-10 07:10][Chat]Leona: let them loose where?
[03-10 07:10][Chat]Leona wants to kill sum trexes
[03-10 13:59][Chat]Dhakahl: anyone know what pieces make up silver dragon armor? I have boots, gauntlets, and helm so far
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07:12, Flameday, Praxi 13, 208 AD.

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