Monument ShadowMUD


[08-18 19:08][RP]Yahwen: Perhaps the Zaalite in the NOC cave?
[08-18 19:09][RP]Daihsan: it is true, is perhaps the strongest of you
[08-18 19:09][RP]Daihsan: What say you, Zaalite?
[08-18 19:09][RP]Yahwen: You are immortal!
[08-18 19:10][RP]Daihsan: Observant
[08-18 19:10][RP]Daihsan: but as the Zaalite would tell you, I am fair in the arena
[08-18 19:10][RP]Yahwen: I am sure you are.
[08-18 19:10][RP]Daihsan: unworthy mortals
[08-18 19:11][RP]Yahwen steers clear of Demons
[08-18 19:12][RP]Daihsan: is there not one brave soul among Kieron's finest?
[08-18 19:12][RP]Yahwen: Try that Faerie Icewolf
[08-18 19:12][RP]Yahwen: Or maybe Freaknoir.
[08-18 19:13][RP]Daihsan takes his gift and goes back home.
[08-18 19:14][RP]Icewolfz: i am probably mor fool then brave
[08-18 19:15][RP]Yahwen: Perhaps I will send you some geraniums
[08-18 19:23][RP]Zanatos: er I will be the Burnt Offering
[08-18 19:24][RP]Zanatos: I will give my life
[08-18 19:24][RP]Zanatos: for the realm
[08-18 19:24][RP]Zanatos: Winter is Comming.
[08-18 19:24][RP]Icewolfz: currently we are in the midle of spring
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14:17, Darkday, Praxi 4, 208 AD.

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