Monument ShadowMUD


[05-15 18:08][Monk]Icewolfz: map icon top right
[05-15 18:08][Monk]Icewolfz: opens a floating map that cna be resized and dragged around
[05-15 18:08][Monk]Onodi: yeah got the map going thats awesome
[05-15 18:08][Monk]Icewolfz: works pretty well outside of wierd eixts or teleports to unknown areas
[05-15 18:08][Monk]Icewolfz: its not smart enough to link areas as it use sthe current room to link to the next room
[05-15 18:09][Monk]Icewolfz: can alos export the data to back it up
[05-15 18:09][Monk]Icewolfz: or save a remote copy to the mud using teh client command
[05-15 18:10][Monk]Icewolfz: the client side aliases allow multi commands while mud side is limited to single command + arguemtns
[05-15 18:10][Monk]Icewolfz: so depending how fancy you want to go you pick what you need
[05-15 18:10][Monk]Icewolfz: can even get advanced an use javascript for some pretty cool stuff
[05-15 18:17][Monk]Icewolfz: we also offer a desktop version of the wbe client that works on windows and linux
[05-15 18:17][Monk]Icewolfz: and in theory mac but not offically supported as mac is pia
[05-15 18:19][Monk]Icewolfz: not sure i can make it do syntax as the # stuff id handled in the low level systems
[05-15 18:19][Monk]Icewolfz: i have see the syntax before but i beleave it sa different mud base
[05-15 18:20][Monk]Icewolfz: but here most command ssupport id #
[05-15 18:21][Monk]Icewolfz: alos teh web client supports a list of build in #commands, the help has a full list of supported ones in teh web client
[05-15 18:21][Monk]Onodi: np
[05-15 18:21][Monk]Icewolfz: any issues feel free to let me know, have fun
[05-15 18:22][Monk]Icewolfz: one last thing, help nickname
[05-15 18:22][Monk]Icewolfz: lets you shorten words
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