Monument ShadowMUD


[03-24 22:01][Chat]Rmp: I plan to mostly stop playing this player when he gets to 1 M plat, gold, electrum, silver, copper.
[03-24 22:02][Chat]Icewolfz: but yeah you hsould be good ot get 2147483647 per type
[03-24 22:02][Chat]Icewolfz: and there is not sftyu check on bank maxes
[03-24 22:02][Chat]Icewolfz: i think
[03-24 22:02][Chat]Icewolfz: so you could hit -# with bank
[03-24 22:02][Chat]Rmp: RMP stands for remunerations maximus protocolus.
[03-24 22:03][Chat]Rmp: so a play on english+latin for max money.
[03-24 22:03][Chat]Icewolfz: pls you have 4 banks
[03-24 22:03][Chat]Icewolfz: so you could have a crap load of money
[03-24 22:04][Chat]Rmp: just 4? I thought there were 5.
[03-24 22:04][Chat]Icewolfz: publicly thera re only 4
[03-24 22:04][Chat]Icewolfz: in design ther ar 5
[03-24 22:05][Chat]Icewolfz: Roam does not yet exist
[03-24 22:05][Chat]Icewolfz: its awork in progress
[03-24 22:05][Chat]Rmp: that's not the one I was thinking of.
[03-24 22:05][Chat]Icewolfz: it was added when gath was desiging a city
[03-24 22:05][Chat]Rmp: siva, kieron, edelmoed, syfvaren, pariah
[03-24 22:05][Chat]Icewolfz: kieorn, siva, edelmoed, pariah
[03-24 22:05][Chat]Icewolfz: sy has no bank
[03-24 22:05][Chat]Icewolfz: never had abank
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14:43, Darkday, Aenterki 9, 208 AD.

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