Monument ShadowMUD


[11-29 13:15][Rogue]Intoll: Potentially will be though
[11-29 13:16][Rogue]Intoll has some ideas.
[11-29 13:18][Rogue]Stone: good.
[11-29 13:18][Rogue]Stone: man I'm rusty at lasso fighting.
[11-29 13:19][Rogue]Stone: you'd think as someone that has done a cleric, mage, monk, 2 fighters and a rogue to legend I'd not lose the touch
[11-29 13:19][Rogue]Stone: burned thu 3 lassos already
[11-29 16:14][Rogue]Stryder: Welcome back.
[11-29 16:15][Rogue]Shadowsong: thanks :)
[11-29 18:38][Rogue]NEWS: Stryder is now level 83.
[11-29 18:44][Rogue]Stryder: I have an idea for a rank J performance. Perhaps summoning a banshee to aid you?
[11-29 18:44][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> doubt bards have that much magic <-{-
[11-29 18:45][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> summon tends ot be more a planes mage thing <-{-
[11-29 18:45][Rogue]Stryder: I think there is already a banshee monster in the u nderground undead area.
[11-29 18:45][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> probaly but any command would haveto have custom monste rcode reguardless <-{-
[11-29 18:45][Rogue]Stryder: Ah... well, I figured since a banshee use sound, and summon is NORMALLY a rank H...
[11-29 18:46][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> but clerics and mage are also stronger magiclly <-{-
[11-29 18:47][Rogue]Stryder: Indeed. They get a summon of some sort as a rank H. I propose a bard gets it as a rank J... two levels and 100 skill requirement higher.
[11-29 18:47][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> overall not sure bansihes are mostly undead creatuers <-{-
[11-29 18:48][Rogue]Stryder: Or... perhaps some version of a pied piper thing... where you entice a creature to follow you... fight at your side.
[11-29 18:48][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> i think i have a command in my notes like that <-{-
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19:31, Lockday, Praxi 2, 208 AD.

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