Monument ShadowMUD


[11-01 10:07][Mage]Delthul: They don't attack
[11-01 10:07][Mage]Delthul: Cool
[11-01 10:07][Mage]Delthul: Yeah, I just learned lichtouch and poisoncloud
[11-01 10:07][Mage]Kelvin: nice
[11-01 10:08][Mage]Delthul: I'm a little hesitant to use poisoncloud though as it spreads and hits all
[11-01 10:08][Mage]Kelvin: been grinding for my skills lately
[11-01 10:08][Mage]Delthul: Cool, I'm caught up just working on 3 more str stat points
[11-01 10:08][Mage]Delthul: Then I'm maxxing stats on Static
[11-01 10:08][Mage]Delthul: Then comparing the two mages and picking one
[11-01 10:09][Mage]Delthul: I'm leaning towards Necro though (this guy)
[11-01 10:10][Mage]Delthul: Siverd if you have any questions type mage (message) and we can try to answer them
[11-01 10:10][Mage]Delthul: or chat
[11-01 10:10][Mage]Delthul: or newbie for the newbie channel
[11-01 12:57][Mage]NEWS: Kelvin is now level 41.
[11-02 11:26][Mage]NEWS: Static is now level 41.
[11-02 13:07][Mage]NEWS: Kelvin is now level 42.
[11-02 18:05][Mage]NEWS: Static is now level 42.
[11-02 18:06][Mage]NEWS: Static is now level 43.
[11-03 09:30][Mage]NEWS: Kelvin is now level 43.
[11-05 11:27][Mage]NEWS: Static is now level 44.
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02:08, Vaigday, Praxi 10, 213 AD.

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